First-Time Plunger?

Don't be frozen in fear! We've put together some tips and tricks to make the most of your first (of many) Polar Plunges!


  • Wear your plunging suit under the clothes you wear to the event – then you don’t have to change into it just to change right back out of it!
  • Choose your “Plunge day” outfit (or post-plunge gear) with this is mind – you will be cold and possibly a little numb – so loose-fitting, easy-on clothes without a lot of snaps, zippers or buttons are best. When your fingers and toes don’t work so well, it’s not as easy to get some of those items back on!
  • Bring a loose pair of shoes to wear after Plunge – something that will slip on easily and doesn’t have tricky laces (think Crocs or water shoes). The sand can be chilly so these will get your toes warmer faster.
  • Check out the schedule of events and create a plan for the weekend. You'll want to make sure you have extra time for all the pre-Plunge festivities, registration and making your way to the beach before the countdown!


  • Don't wait to check-in or arrive at 1 pm. Allow extra time to get your Plunge bib and get to the beach before the countdown.
  • Do NOT dive – this is a safety regulation and will be enforced by the safety team!
  • Remember that a plunge is whatever you want it to be! Tippy toes to a full body submerge all count the same, so do what's best for you. Remember, the water is cold (it is February after all!) and can take your breath away…with exhilaration!
  • Do not run into the water too quickly as there may be things in the water you cannot see. You might step on them or kick them and trip.
  • Don't rush to be the first to go into the water if it is your first time. If you're first, there will be many people behind you; if you get in there and decide you need to get out immediately, it will be difficult to do so quickly.
  • Do not worry about “missing” Plunge – sometimes there are as many as 2,000 people going in the water, so even if you wait 5 or 10 minutes until the crowd thins, you’ll still get the full plunge experience…but in a less congested way. This will also make it easier for your entourage to bear witness to the big event and snap your smiling and shivering photo for you.


  • A bag for wet clothes
  • A backpack or tote bag to hold street clothes and your new T-shirt
  • Two medium-sized towels – one to dry with and one to stand on
  • A dry friend to hold your valuables while you are in the water
  • Water-friendly shoes for going into the water; sand or concrete can be very cold on bare feet
  • Clean, dry undergarments to wear after your plunge
  • Maybe bring a waterproof camera that you can carry into the plunge zone with you… or feel free to ask a fellow plunger to capture your big moment and you can email your favorite photos to us if you want to share them on our gallery
  • Food or snacks in case none are available at your chosen plunge, or if you have certain dietary needs or allergies that might not be taken into consideration by those providing food

Most of all… have a great time! We thank you so much for your participation!